Friday, February 25, 2005

Afternoon at the Capitol

Spent part of the day earlier this week at our State Capitol in Salem for a pro-education rally by teachers and students from all over the State. I received the assignment at the last minute, and because I wasn't able to travel with the school bus congregation from our coverage area, I had to go around and guess to see who was from where, which isn't easy in a group of thousands.

I think that this is the problem with our paper, but by no means unique to it: advanced planning. Well anyway, this little boy was sitting on a pedastal in front of the capitol after the rally, looking ponderous or bored.

Thursday, February 24, 2005

One after another

I had a maddening amount of portrait assignments yesterday, all without the benefit of studio lights or reliable lenses. She's the manager of a local farmer's market, and it was my last one of the day. I didn't know really what to do with her because the market doesn't start until May, and I felt it would be a bit too boring to pose her with a shirt that read "Farmer's Market." So basically I met her out by where it takes place, and tried to find something interesting. This picture won't run, but it was my favorite of the bunch.

Wednesday, February 23, 2005

. . .and one more to get it out of my system

Tuesday, February 22, 2005

A New Start

I've started a new job, to go along with this new journal, here in Portland, OR. So far, I've been getting a lot of sports assignments which I'm not too interested in.

Something from a wrestling meet the other day.